Lawyer Dunston Omari

Lawyer Dunston Omari is adamant that his client, the former Interior cabinet secretary’s home was raided by an elite police unit.

(While speaking to K24) Mr. Omari highly brushed off the allegations of a fake police raid as speculated by other people. He further stated that they had enough pictures and videos to prove their case. Additionally, he insisted that both he and matiangi’s family were present during the 10 pm raid.

According to Mr. Omari, it is the duty of the government to know and tell who were involved in the raid.

When asked why they didn’t produce the video of the alleged raid, Omari stated that the burden of proof was solely the responsibility of the police who had investigation

Matiangi’s lawyer Mr. Dunston however had some questions which he needed clarification from those saying it was all staged.

If the elite police service had no ill intentions, why did they leave the premises once the lawyers arrived?

Why didn’t nobody take eyewitness statements even after the fact that there was a dispute.

Omari’s responded a day after the DCI boss Mohamed Amin spoke on the issue. Mr. Amin also stated that he would take action against the perpetrators.