The Kenya Railways Corporation has been given a three-month deadline to recover Ksh1 billion in compensation payments made to unidentified people who were allegedly harmed by the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR).

The Public Investment Committee (PIC) criticized Kenya Railway Corporation for the payments claiming that the Ksh1 billion compensation was given to impacted people without the necessary paperwork to verify their identity and ownership. Copies of identification cards, PIN certificates, and land title papers are among the documents.

 PIC Committee Chairman Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir said the KRC’s accounting officer should make sure the money is recovered in full within the next 90 days.

“The committee recommends that the accounting officer for the KRC should ensure that the balance of overpayments is fully recovered within three months of the adoption of this report,” he stated.

The 90-day deadline highlights the controversy surrounding the Standard Gauge Railway’s construction, with some politicians alleging that the project was tainted by corruption.